Lama Jampa Thaye visits H.H. Sakya Trizin and H.H. Karmapa in India 15th May 2011 Making offerings to His Holiness Sakya Trizin Lama Jampa Thaye and Dechen Dolma visited India from 2 to 12 May to receive teachings from His Holiness Sakya Trizin and to have a meeting with His Holiness Karmapa. At the request of Lama Jampa, His Holiness bestowed the initiations of the “4 Kadam Deities” (Shakyamuni, Chenrezik, Achala and Green Tara), the 5 deity major initiation of Chakrasamvara from the Vajraghanta tradition and the initiations of the 21 Taras from the Suryagupta tradition. With Lama Logya Their Eminences Ratna Vajra Rinpoche and Gyana Vajra Rinpoche, 250 monks and nuns, including Lama Jampa’s old friend Lama Logya, and a number of lay-people attended the initiations, which His Holiness bestowed in the main Centre of Shri Sakya in Rajpur. Lama Jampa also had discussions with His Holiness and His wife, Gyalyum Chenmo, about many issues affecting dharma today as well as plans for their forthcoming visit to the USA and Mexico. Waiting for His Holiness Sakya Trizin In other happy news, His Eminence Gyana Vajra Rinpoche and His wife, Dagmo Sonam Palkyi, have just had their first baby, a girl called Ngawang Tsejin Lhamo. Returning to Delhi, Lama Jampa and Dechen Dolma were able to spend an afternoon with His Holiness Karmapa. Meeting His Holiness Karmapa Lama Jampa and His Holiness Karmapa discussed the status of Buddhism in the West and East; His Holiness Karmapa observed that we need more shedras, as well as drupdas, as we need to respect the full intellectual depth of the dharma. Lama Jampa is now back in England and will be teaching the Mind Training Teachings of the Kadampa master Chim Namkha Drak followed by the Initiation of Black Dzambala in London on Saturday, 21 May.