Further Teachings in Santa Monica, CA

This weekend Yeshe Nyingo, the dharma group founded by the great Nyingma terton Dudjom Rinpoche (1904-1987), hosted teachings by Lama Jampa Thaye in Santa Monica, California. Over two days, Lama Jampa gave a detailed explanation of the well-known text by the Indian siddha, Dampa Sangye, called ‘One Hundred Pieces of Advice’. The teaching was well attended by Californians from Yeshe Nyingpo and various other dharma groups that exist in the area, as well as visiting students from Mexico and Britain. The lama concluded the teachings with the Manjushri Arapatsana initiation from the tradition of Bari Lotsawa and Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, saying that the assemblance of dharma students from different parts of the world was an excellent sign for the flourishing of the dharma.